Monday 1 April 2013

The Starting Point

So this is when it starts,

I have modelled Railways since a young lad, starting with cardboard efforts, moving onto the normal, 00 Hornby, Bachmann, Lima, etc etc, 

Then moving onto N scale American, where I still "dabble"

Getting bigger with 7 1.4 Inch scale in the Garden, Battery industrial loco,

Then finally, a decision to indulge my childhood passion, of small industrial gauge railways, a fire lit back when I used to holiday in Wales and the Lake District.

This blog, is nothing but fun, as modelling should be, its not prototypical modelling, its not timetabled modelling, its good old fashioned playin' trains.

Where information can be shared, discussed, and laughed at, but mainly me posting photos of my efforts... (hence the being laughed at bit...)   

Soon to come are some photos, and shameless product pluggin'

Night All

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