Wednesday 29 May 2013

Chapter 2 Part 2

So for as long as I can remember, I took great pleasure in drawing track plans.

School books, Academic books, Envelopes, Tissues (unused if course, although some greenery always added to the fun!) They were all fair game! but this eventually became too "messy" My collection of designs were not organised at all.

So recently I have decided on a specific "pad" of A3 size paper and stationary too aid in my designing,

This is where "Barrow-Wight Halt" was born. I roughed out a design 1' wide x 5' in length with two 1' x 1.5' fiddle yards on each end. So 8 feet in total. Being keen to start I created the first fiddle yard baseboard. In a nutshell this was not to my rather OCD liking, so it was sidelined. So today after work, I collected specifically cut wood for the above dimensions. They are stored for a rainy day!

So what to do with this small baseboard?

I have always been keen on micro layouts. Small compact, annoyingly simple, but fun! couple this with an excuse to buy an N gauge shunter, 04 out of preference, and 3 or 4 matching wagons to "play" with, I came up with the idea of an "end of the line yard" with one single turn out.

Imagine if you will a small area, grassy unkempt and grubby, running from under a bridge and there you have it! Project Number 4.

So, I can hear you all say, "so much to do, so little time" unfortunately that is the case. Having completed project 1 (the 09 test track) I have a few months, before I crack on with the biggie (Project 2) I may just fill that time with a small mess about.

We shall see! after all they do say "the best laid plans..." (See what I did there?)

Over and out...

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