Tuesday 3 September 2013

Part 3

Hi there, I think I should coin a new term, The Sblogger or the "slow blogger"

Here we are in September! Merry Chr..... no not just yet...

I have been busy recently going through intensive training to complete my "SCPHN" course, or degree in public health nursing, therefore modelling took a back seat through June, July and most of August,

But! Hooray for Annual Leave, and having had a spectacular time at http://www.bloodstock.uk.com/pages/home I felt it was time to "manage" my projects! A concept of one at a time is alien to me.

So I started back at the, well, the start. The long suffering, dust collecting OO gauge shelf layout, inspired by the http://www.carendt.com/scrapbook/page84/ website, 

It has gained, functioning wiring (Helpful) Ballast, Scenery, Back Scene, Weathering, little details that are fun and memorable from my childhood, I have done brilliant work, and some really shocking work alongside it. 

I also took to weathering my EWS 08. Which all in all is not bad, but not brilliant also!

All in all for a first effort the shelf layout is not as bad as I expected! and I am the worse critic of my own work! A few more bits and bobs to finalise. But in the next few weeks it will be visually complete! 

Therefore project 2 can commence, but more on that after, http://www.meridienneexhibitions.co.uk/our-events-detail.php?id=0000000003

Until then team!

Wednesday 29 May 2013

As Promised - Photographs!

Long over due photos.

All but one 09 Kits run on Kato 11 - 103 chassis.

09 rolling stock by Black Dog Mining (see above links)

009 is a PECO whitemetal kit on Grafar Chassis (Pannier tank) with alterations.

Of course the 7 1.4 Inch runs on a battery powered motor!

Over and out, its late, and I have ran out of steam..!

Chapter 2 Part 2

So for as long as I can remember, I took great pleasure in drawing track plans.

School books, Academic books, Envelopes, Tissues (unused if course, although some greenery always added to the fun!) They were all fair game! but this eventually became too "messy" My collection of designs were not organised at all.

So recently I have decided on a specific "pad" of A3 size paper and stationary too aid in my designing,

This is where "Barrow-Wight Halt" was born. I roughed out a design 1' wide x 5' in length with two 1' x 1.5' fiddle yards on each end. So 8 feet in total. Being keen to start I created the first fiddle yard baseboard. In a nutshell this was not to my rather OCD liking, so it was sidelined. So today after work, I collected specifically cut wood for the above dimensions. They are stored for a rainy day!

So what to do with this small baseboard?

I have always been keen on micro layouts. Small compact, annoyingly simple, but fun! couple this with an excuse to buy an N gauge shunter, 04 out of preference, and 3 or 4 matching wagons to "play" with, I came up with the idea of an "end of the line yard" with one single turn out.

Imagine if you will a small area, grassy unkempt and grubby, running from under a bridge and there you have it! Project Number 4.

So, I can hear you all say, "so much to do, so little time" unfortunately that is the case. Having completed project 1 (the 09 test track) I have a few months, before I crack on with the biggie (Project 2) I may just fill that time with a small mess about.

We shall see! after all they do say "the best laid plans..." (See what I did there?)

Over and out...

Chapter two

So here we are nearly two months since I started the blog,

Please forgive the radio silence, I have started a new job in the NHS and have had little to no time, to sit and "play trains." 

Having had to steal an hour here, and an afternoon there, I recently decided on 2 small/medium projects and 1 long term.

Create a basic test track for my 09 Rolling stock. 

Start a simple end to end "exhibition" layout (a long term effort). End of Western BR steam village halt. Tentatively named "Barrow-Wight Halt" in N gauge - This project will re use the best parts of a stalled American N gauge layout never completed. 

Due to our blistering summer we are having, I aim to complete coupling bars and pins for my 7 1.4 inch locomotive and take delivery of custom made rolling chassis for my riding truck.

I am looking forward to the 8th June 2013. As it is the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association AGM at Burton on Trent town hall. 1030 - 5pm. http://7mmnga.org.uk/

Once I have twigged how to use my phone properly I shall post pictures!


Monday 1 April 2013

The Starting Point

So this is when it starts,

I have modelled Railways since a young lad, starting with cardboard efforts, moving onto the normal, 00 Hornby, Bachmann, Lima, etc etc, 

Then moving onto N scale American, where I still "dabble"

Getting bigger with 7 1.4 Inch scale in the Garden, Battery industrial loco,

Then finally, a decision to indulge my childhood passion, of small industrial gauge railways, a fire lit back when I used to holiday in Wales and the Lake District.

This blog, is nothing but fun, as modelling should be, its not prototypical modelling, its not timetabled modelling, its good old fashioned playin' trains.

Where information can be shared, discussed, and laughed at, but mainly me posting photos of my efforts... (hence the being laughed at bit...)   

Soon to come are some photos, and shameless product pluggin'

Night All